(Scroll down to see all workshop decriptions)
Roadmap to Your Story
Thursday, February 22, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Hosted by 5 Point Yoga
23410 Civic Center Way, Suite E-3,
Malibu, CA 90265
Do you have a story to tell, but you don't know how to start? It doesn't matter if you're writing a novel, memoir, or how-to book, every story flows along an arc. But how do you find that arc so that you can sit down and finally write your story? You have to know where to begin, right?
This workshop is the perfect first step to get you moving down the right path.
ROADMAP TO YOUR STORY is a workshop version of my private client one-on-one session so that you can finally get clear on the following elements of your story:
- Your intentions and and goals for writing your story (Why do you want or need to write it?)
- Your story's message (How is your audience changed by your story?)
- The structure of your story (What is your beginning, middle, end?)
- The turning points of your story (Where's the conflict?)
- The audience for your story (Who best benefits by reading your story?)
- Your writing schedule (How are you going to carve out time to get this done?)
- Sharing your story (Will you self-publish or look for a publisher?)
It doesn't matter if you're a writer or not, if you have an idea for a story, I will show you how to map it out and get clear on what it is you want to write. And then you can decide if it's worth your time to actually sit down and do it (my guess is that it will be).
Wear comfortable clothing! I'm trying something NEW this month. This workshop will be held at a yoga studio (5 Point Yoga in Malibu), so you will be lounging on the floor supported by bolsters, blankets, and yoga mats. A few chairs will be available for those who do not wish to be on the floor.
Normally it's $150 for one hour of my time to sit down with you personally to map out your story, but
for a limited time this workshop
is only $35
$45 if you pay at the door